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Amstrad printers and WindowsA lot of people ask about Amstrad printer drivers for Windows 3.x or 95... There are no Amstrad specific printer drivers because the fact is that all the printers we've ever produced have been Epson compatible (with the notable exception of the DMP-1) so for Windows one should just pick a standard Epson driver. If it's a nine pin printer with a normal width carriage (such as DMP200/3000) then that means using something like FX80. If it's a wide carriage 9 pin printer (DMP4000) then that'd be something like the FX100. For our normal 24 pin printers (LQ3500) use a normal width Epson LQ driver (I'm never sure of the Epson LQ model names but I think the LQ550 should do it). For a wide carriage 24 pin printer (such as our LQ5000) use an Epson LQ wide carriage driver. Note that for ages I have been telling people this and some have reported back that it works while many have said that the Epson drivers in Windows 3.1 work fine with the Amstrad printers but the ones in Windows 95 don't. And yet, as I say, some people say they do. For ages I have been trying to work out why it works for some and not others then someone (who chose to remain anonymous) wrote to my Q&&;A page to say that it was to do with whether the driver was set to just use a simple parallel port, bi-directional, ECP or EPP. Obviously the printer port in all the old Amstrad PCs on which the majority of these printers are being used are just the very simplest type of uni-directional parallel port so the driver must be set to use that!
Back in the mists of time Amstrad sold a successful range of 9 and 24 pin dot matrix printers. Unfortunately customers in the more technically advanced German market were demanding laser printers. Amstrad head office made a concious decision not to develop a laser printer because they are technically very complicated to engineer and at the end of the day they don't generate much profit. Amstrad GmbH (our German subsiduary) were pretty insistent so they went out on their own and contacted Sharp and bought a job lot of printers from them that they rebadged as "Amstrad LD6000". Because this printer was not designed/supported by the head office here in the UK I'm afraid I cannot offer much help if you are a German customer who has one. I suggest you contact Amstrad GmbH directly but be warned that their office will close in the next few months (almost certainly by the end August 97). What I do know about it was that it emulates an HP Laserjet II so if your question is "Where can I get a Windows 95 driver?" the answer is simply to use the HP LJ II driver. I know for a fact that this works because I've seen one used with it. If you need a part or consumables for it then I'm afraid I cannot help. You must contact Amstrad in Germany or, failing that, try Sharp's laser printer division.
DMP3000/3160 DIP Switches
DMP4000 DIP Switches
LQ3500/LQ5000 DIP switches
Baud rate DS3-1 DS3-2 DS3-3 ==================================== 9600 Off Off Off (default) 4800 Off Off On 2400 Off On Off 1200 Off On On 600 On Off Off 300 On Off On 200 On On Off 150 On On On Parity DS3-4 DS3-5 ====================== None Off Off (default) None On Off Odd Off On Even On On Interface/Protcol DS3-7 DS3-8 ================================== Parallel Off Off (default) Serial, Xon/Xoff Off On Serial, RTS read/busy On Off Serial, Etx/Ack On On International charactersFor all printers DS1-1, 1-2 and 1-3 are used to set the international characters availble as follows: Character Country DS1-1 DS1-2 DS1-3 #23 #24 #40 #5B #5C #5D #5E #60 #7B #7C #7D #7E Usa On On On # $ @ [ \ ] ^ ` { Ý } ~ France Off On On # $ [2] [5] [B] [3] ^ ` [I] [J] [Q] [M] Germany On Off On # $ [3] [6] [E] [G] ^ ` [K] [N] [R] [T] UK Off Off On œ $ @ [ \ ] ^ ` { Ý } ~ Denmark On On Off # $ @ [7] [D] [H] ^ ` [L] [D] [S] ~ Sweden Off On Off # [1] [4] [8] [E] [H] [G] [I] [K] [E] [S] [R] Italy On Off Off # $ @ [9] \ [I] ^ [J] [2] [O] [Q] [U] Spain Off Off Off [0] $ @ [A] [F] [C] ^ ` [M] [P] } ~ [0]=Peseta, [1]=International currency, [2]=a grave, [3]=Section symbol [4]=E acute, [5]=Degree, [6]=A umlaut, [7]=AE dipthong, [8]=A umlaut [9]=Degree, [A]=! inverted, [B]=c cedilla, [C]=? inverted, [D]=o slashed [E]=O umlaut, [F]=N tilde, [G]=U umlaut, [H]=A ring, [I]=e acute, [J]=u grave, [K]=a umlaut, [L]=ae dipthong, [M]=umlaut, [N]=o umlaut [O]=o grave, [P]=n tilde, [Q]=e grave, [R]=u umlaut, [S]=a ring [T]=Scharfes S sett Character setWhere DS1-7 and DS1-8 are shown to pick the character set their meaning is as follows: DS1-7 DS1-8 IBM #1 Off Off IBM #2 On Off Epson FX Std. Off On IBM #1 NLQ On On Ribbons for Amstrad printersThere are probably several companies that supply Amstrad printer ribbons but the one I know of that definitely stocks the whole range of DMP and LQ ribbons is as follows: HCS GlobalHighbridge House 93-96 Oxford Road Uxbridge Middlesex UB8 1LU England Telephone: 01475 500011 (international: +44 1475 500011) Fax: 01475 500022 (international: +44 1475 500022) I'm also indebted to the irredoubtable Brian Watson for supplying me with a second source which is: Dunning Computer Services, Unit 13c, Sunrise Business Park, Higher Shaftesbury Road, Blandford Forum, Dorset DT11 8ST England Tel: 01258 480660 Fax: 01258 480659 And very shortly afterwards Tariq Atchia told me about Viking Direct who also stock Amstrad ribbons (quite cheap!) and can be contacted on 0800 424444. Finally it appears that SD Micro also stock Amstrad ribbons and they have a seb site here. More details will appear here as I build these pages. Back to the Products page Back to the Amstrad home page |